Did you ever learn to practice any new sport? I did and first it was awful but then it was very funny. When I was five years old all my friends used to ride their bikes but I didn't know, so one week my father taught me how to do it. First I fell many times and I thought I would never learn hot to do ride a bike but my father showed me how to do it. Now, I use my bicycle every day, I think that's a fantastic way of moving through a city or a town.
martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012
My first day at high school
My first day at high school was terrible first we met a teacher called Estrella, she had an important labor in the school, she would be our English teacher during we were there. Then we met Amparo, a maths teacher, my brother told me she was the strictest teacher in the high school, I hoped she didn't teach me maths. Finally we met Elias, he was the head teacher he looked like a good person. All this was bad but not everything was bad in the high school. We met a lot of people from other school, the first day I sat next to Manuel and Fran and now we are very good friends.
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012
Hello I'm Carlos and I'm fifteen. I was born in Isla Mayor but now I live in Coria del Río, Sevilla.
I'm short, thin. I'm very optimistic, loyal, and sporty I have got brown hair and brown eyes too. I love sports and meet my friends. Two months ago I broke me one of my legs and for this reason I'm in a student in virtual shool, It's great Since I'm in this school I don't have to get up early, but I miss play football and talk to my friends. When my leg was good I used to practic rowing but now I can't do it. Virtual Shools have some disadvantages but I think it a great opportunity for people than me or people very ill.
I'm short, thin. I'm very optimistic, loyal, and sporty I have got brown hair and brown eyes too. I love sports and meet my friends. Two months ago I broke me one of my legs and for this reason I'm in a student in virtual shool, It's great Since I'm in this school I don't have to get up early, but I miss play football and talk to my friends. When my leg was good I used to practic rowing but now I can't do it. Virtual Shools have some disadvantages but I think it a great opportunity for people than me or people very ill.
lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012
My New Town
Dear Manuel,
Last weekend I arrived to a new town, it is called Liverpool. People in Liverpool are very nice, now I have new friends, but dont worry you will continue being my best friend. In Liverpool there are a lot of shops and I love going shopping with my friends. My high school is bigger than yours. My town's disadvantages are that it has not got any cinema, but we can make our private cinema. Liverpool has not got enough parks, because there are a lot of children. For me Liverpool is so beautiful. When are you going to come to Liverpool, I'm waiting for you, you are welcome to my home when you want. See you soon, for my best friend Manuel

miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2012
My Paradise
I am going to write about the best city, it is call Paradise City. This city has got a lot of shopping centers, where you can go with all your friends, there are a lot of cinemas with the best films too. Paradise City has got a big theme park, the biggest in the world. Here you can find a big bowling and the best ice-cream shop in all the city, and they are too cheap so I usually go there. Paradise City has got a very big skycraper it is call "A Tower To The Sky". I live in a beautiful neighbourhood, here houses are not very expensive but they are very nice, my neighbourhood has got a lot of park and open zones, I love green zones and my neighbourhood has got it.
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012
A Great Experince
I have Always helping old people. Last weekend, while I was going to visit my friend Fran, with Manuel I helped to an old woman to cross the road. We arrived to a traffic light when we saw an old woman I asked her if she needed my help and finally I helped her to cross the road. I fell very proud of myself. I've decided help everybody that need my help.

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012
Dear Manuel
I'm writting to you this letter to tell you what I did last weekend. Last weekend I worked as a clown, I took my clown costume and I went to my cousin's birthday party. It was a great party, there were a lot of enjoyable thinghs. I had a great day so I liked to make kids laugh and if you are a clown you should make laugh a lot of kids. My ancle gave me 150€ per hour, and I was enjoying kids for 3 hours! In my opinion this work is a great work, because you have a good time and you get a lot of money. What do you think about it? Do you want to come with me? You are going to get 450€!
Your friend,Carlos
Your friend,Carlos
jueves, 19 de enero de 2012
Carta al Director
D. Eduardo Inda
Le escribo esta carta para ''retocar'' una noticia que ustedes han publicado:
''Fue un Acto Involuntario'', para los lectores que no entienden esta noticia es una declaración de uno de los jugadores del Real Madrid. En su ultimo encuentro contra el Barcelona F.C (Clásico) Este jugador llamado Pepe realizó un acto muy antideportivo, y trató de lo siguiente, tras una falta cometida por el Real Madrid un jugador del Barcelona F.C (Messi) calló al suelo, entonces Pepe aprovecho que Messi estaba en el suelo para pisarle la mano. Estimado D.Eduardo Inda esta es mi pregunta ¿Cómo puede usted publicar esta noticia? Se sabe de sobra que clase de jugador es Pepe y sabemos que Pepe es capaz de hacer una cosa así o peor.Pido desde mi punto de vista que este jugador sea sancionado por sus actos antideportivos
Carlos Solsona, un aficionado del mundo del futbol
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